Are candles safe for hamsters? This is a question that many people have, and the answer is not always clear.
Candles can be dangerous for hamsters for two reasons: they may try to investigate the flame, and the strong scent can be overpowering for their sensitive respiratory systems. To keep your hamster safe from candles, ensure they are lit in separate, well-ventilated rooms.
This article will explore alternative methods of keeping your hamster’s cage smelling fresh and how you can best light candles around your home without putting your little one in danger.

Why are candles dangerous for hamsters?
There are several reasons why candles can be dangerous for hamsters. One reason is that hamsters are very curious creatures and may try to investigate the flame of a candle. This can be extremely dangerous, as hamsters could easily burn themselves on the hot wax or flame.
Also, hamsters have very sensitive respiratory systems, and the fumes from burning candles can harm them. Strong scents from candles can also overwhelm hamsters and cause them difficulty breathing.
How can you keep your hamsters safe from candles?
So, what should you do if you want to use candles in your home? If you must use candles, it is essential to take some precautions to ensure that your hamster is safe. First, only use unscented candles around hamsters. This will help to minimize the risk of respiratory problems. Second, ensure the candles are placed in a safe location where your hamster cannot reach them. Third, if you choose to burn candles in your home, burn them in different rooms, ensuring sufficient ventilation.
By following these simple tips, you can help to keep your hamster safe from candles.

Read Your Hamsters Reactions
Read your hamster’s reactions to changes in their environment. If you notice any of the following signs, it may be best to avoid using candles around your hamster:
• Respiratory problems
• Difficulty breathing
• Discomfort
• Watery eyes
• Sneezing

If you notice any of these signs, it is best to remove the candles from your hamster’s environment and seek medical attention if necessary. By being aware of the potential dangers of candles and taking some simple precautions, you can help to keep your hamster safe and healthy.
So how do you keep your hamster’s room smelling fresh year-round? Let’s look at some alternatives.
How to clean your hamster’s cage?
Cleaning your hamster’s cage is essential to keep them healthy and happy. A clean cage will help prevent health issues and keep your home smelling fresh.
Replace Your Hamsters Bedding Regularly
One way to help keep your hamster’s cage smelling fresh is to replace their bedding regularly. Depending on the type of bedding you use, you may need to replace it every week or two. Be sure to clean the cage thoroughly before adding new bedding.
Clean All Objects in Your Hamsters Cage
In addition to bedding, all objects in your hamster’s cage should be cleaned regularly. This includes water bottles, food dishes, toys, and anything else in their environment. These items should be washed with soap and water or replaced entirely if they are very dirty.

Use a Cage Cover
Another way to help keep your hamster’s cage smelling fresh is to use a cage cover. Cage covers are available in pet stores and can help to keep your hamster’s cage clean and odour-free.
Carryout a complete cage clean once a week
To keep your hamster’s cage smelling fresh, carry out a complete cage clean once a week. This means removing all bedding, objects, and toys from the cage and cleaning it thoroughly with soap and water. Be sure to dry the cage entirely before adding new bedding and objects.
Provide a Healthy Diet
Another way to help keep your hamster’s cage smelling fresh is to provide a healthy diet. A diet rich in fibre will help keep your hamster’s digestive system healthy and reduce the amount of waste they produce. Ensuring a healthy diet will also help to keep your hamster’s fur clean and reduce the amount of dander in their cage.

The following are some high-fibre foods that you can add to your hamster’s diet:
• Timothy hay
• Fruits and vegetables
• High-fiber pellet food
• Whole wheat bread
• Oatmeal
Adding these high-fibre foods to your hamster’s diet can help reduce the smell of your hamster’s waste. Having a healthy hamster leads to a happy and fresh-smelling home.
Use A Hamster-Safe Cleaner
When cleaning your hamster’s cage, it is essential to use a safe cleaner. Avoid using cleaners with strong chemicals or scents, as these can harm your hamster. Instead, look for cleaners specifically designed for use with small pets.
Alternatives to candles
Air purifier
An air purifier can help remove harmful particles from the air and make breathing easier for your hamster. These products will also ensure that your rooms continue to smell fresh all year round.

Baking soda
Baking soda is a natural odor absorber that can help keep your hamster’s room smelling fresh. Add a bowl of baking soda to your hamster’s room and change it every few weeks.
Proper ventilation is essential to keeping your hamster’s room smelling fresh. Make sure to open windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate.
Hamster Friendly Cleaners
Many cleaning products on the market are safe to use around hamsters. Look for cleaners that are specifically designed for small animals, and be sure to follow the directions on the label.
Some of the above-listed alternatives might not work for you, or you may prefer not to use them. In this case, follow the tips below.
Candle safety tips for hamsters
- Only use unscented candles around hamsters
- Place candles in a safe location where your hamster cannot reach them
- If burning candles in your home, do so in different rooms and ensure sufficient ventilation
Final Thoughts
While candles can be dangerous for hamsters, there are some steps you can take to help keep your pet safe. Only use unscented candles around hamsters and ensure they are placed safely where your hamster cannot reach them. If you must burn candles in your home, do so in different rooms and provide sufficient ventilation. You should always consult a veterinary expert before introducing your hamster to new products in your home.