The Ultimate Candle Making Guide to Rapeseed Wax

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Rapeseed wax is an excellent choice for candles because it is clean burning and doesn’t produce soot. It also has a high melting point, so your candles will last longer. Rapeseed wax is made from the seeds of the rapeseed plant, which is native to Europe. The plant was brought to North America in the early 1800s and is now grown in many parts of the world.

Rapeseed wax is used in various products, including candles, cosmetics, and polishes. It is also used as a food additive and as an industrial lubricant. Today we will focus on using rapeseed wax in candles and how you can make the most out of using this wax in your candle blends. Read on for more!

What is Rapeseed Wax?

Rapeseed wax is made from the seeds of the rapeseed plant, which is native to Europe. Rapeseed wax is a white or yellowish-white solid at room temperature. It has a melting point of about 150 degrees Fahrenheit and a density of 0.96 grams per cubic centimetre. Rapeseed wax is insoluble in water but soluble in alcohol and other organic solvents.

How is Rapeseed Wax made?

Rapeseed wax is extracted from the seeds of the rapeseed plant. The seeds are crushed and then heated to release the wax. The wax is then purified and refined to remove impurities.

What are the properties of Rapeseed Wax?

You can review the properties of Rapeseed Wax in the tables below. We have observed these results in trials on several wax samples. You will want to check the packaging of the specific wax you are using to ensure that the correct instructions and temperatures are followed.

If you want to learn more about how Coconut Wax stacks up against other candle waxes, we encourage you to look at our candle wax blending guide and temperature management guide.

Melting Point in Fahrenheit (°F)Melting Point in Celsius (°C)
126 to 13052 to 54
At what ambient temperature is the candle at risk of melting? (°F)How long can you leave the candle before it melts? (Minutes)
Flash Point in Fahrenheit (°F)Flash Point in Celsius (°C)
Add Fragrance Oil at Fahrenheit (°F)Add Fragrance Oil at Celsius (°C)
170 to 18577 to 85
Add Essential Oil at Fahrenheit (°F)Add Essential Oil at Celsius (°C)
170 to 18577 to 85
Pour Wax at Fahrenheit (°F)Pour Wax at Celsius (°C)
Suggested Cure Time
10 to 14 days
Soft (1) or Hard (10)High (10) or Low (1) CostMelting Point (°F)Finish
84180Creamy, Smooth
Strong (10) or Weak Hot Throw (1)Fragrance Oil Blending EaseSculptureBurn Time
Common Issues
Sinking, Availability based on location
Increase Melting Point,

What are the pros and cons of Rapeseed Wax?

Palm wax is a clean-burning wax with a high melting point. It is also non-toxic and eco-friendly. However, palm wax can be difficult to find in certain parts of the world and is more expensive than some types of wax.

Benefits of Rapeseed Wax

  • Clean Burning – Rapeseed wax is clean burning and doesn’t produce soot.
  • High Melting Point – It has a high melting point, so your candles will last longer.
  • Soluble – It is insoluble in water but soluble in alcohol and other organic solvents.
  • Readily Available – Rapeseed wax is sustainable and readily available in European countries, Canada and China.
  • Efficient Extraction Process – Rapeseed provides a higher percentage of oil than soybeans during the extraction process.

Drawbacks of Rapeseed Wax:

  • Strong Smell If Not Refined – It can have a strong smell if not refined.
  • Challenging To Work With – It is a harder wax, so it can be more challenging to work with.
  • Expensive – Rapeseed wax is expensive compared to other waxes – even more costly than coconut wax.

How do I use Rapeseed Wax?

Rapeseed wax can be used in many different ways. It is commonly used in candles, cosmetics, and polishes. It can also be used as a food additive and industrial lubricant.

When choosing rapeseed wax for candles, it is essential to select a high-quality product. Look for a wax labeled “100% rapeseed wax” or ” pure rapeseed wax.” Avoid products that contain additives, fragrances, or colorants. You can add these yourself to gain the perfect blend and required qualities for your candle.

What are some tips for working with Rapeseed Wax?

  • Make sure to follow the instructions on the packaging of the specific wax you are using.
  • It has a high melting point, so be careful not to overheat it.
  • It can be tricky to work with rapeseed wax as it is a hard wax – make sure you are careful when handling and working with your wax.

Sustainability of Rapeseed Wax

Is Rapeseed Wax sustainable?

Yes, Rapeseed Wax is a sustainable product. It is made from the rapeseed plant’s seeds, a renewable resource. Rapeseed wax is also biodegradable and does not pollute the environment.

What are the environmental impacts of Rapeseed Wax?

Rapeseed wax is biodegradable and does not pollute the environment. It is also a renewable resource. Unlike Palm and Soy wax, there is limited deforestation when growing rapeseed oil. Rapeseed is commonplace throughout many countries due to its many uses, so this is not a concern when using rapeseed wax.

Is Rapeseed Wax vegan?

Rapeseed Wax is a vegan product. It is made from the seeds of the rapeseed plant and does not contain any animal products.

Is Rapeseed Wax cruelty-free?

Rapeseed Wax is a cruelty-free product. It is made from the seeds of the rapeseed plant and is not tested on animals in the candle industry.

Rapeseed Wax Substitutes

There are alternatives to rapeseed wax; these include:

Paraffin Wax

Paraffin wax is a petroleum-based product. It is derived from the residue left after crude oil is distilled. You can check out our article that will tell you everything you need to know to get started with paraffin wax.

Coconut Wax

Coconut wax is made from the meat of the coconut. It is a renewable resource and is biodegradable. Coconut wax is also vegan. We have written a guide about coconut wax that you can access here.


Bees make beeswax from the nectar of flowers. It is a renewable resource and is biodegradable. Beeswax is not vegan. You can learn more about beeswax in our ultimate guide.

Soy Wax

Soy wax is made from soybeans. It is a renewable resource and is biodegradable. Soy wax is also vegan. We have reviewed soy wax and its properties and impacts on the environment in our ultimate guide to soy wax.

Palm Wax

Palm wax is made from the fruit of the palm tree. It is a renewable resource and is biodegradable. Palm wax is not vegan. We have also reviewed palm wax and provided a handy guide for you to get started with palm wax.

Rapeseed wax is a sustainable, biodegradable product that does not pollute the environment. It is also vegan. There are some substitutes for rapeseed wax, but it is a unique product with its benefits. Rapeseed wax is an excellent choice if you are looking for sustainable, biodegradable wax.

How to make Rapeseed Wax candles?


  • Two cups of rapeseed wax.
  • Ten drops of essential oil or fragrance oil.
  • Colour dye (optional).
  • Double boiler.
  • Candle containers or moulds.
  • Candle wicks.
  • Stirring utensil.


  1. Add the rapeseed wax to a double boiler.
  2. Heat the mixture over a low heat, frequently stirring, until it is melted.
  3. Remove the mixture from the heat and stir in the essential oil and colour dye.
  4. Pour the mixture into candle moulds or containers and allow it to cool completely.
  5. Cure your candles for 10 to 14 days in a cool dark place.
  6. Trim your wick to 1/4 of an inch.
  7. Light and enjoy your candles!

Frequently Asked Questions Rapeseed Wax

Where can I buy Rapeseed Wax?

Rapeseed wax is available online and at some craft stores. It is more readily available in countries where it is grown and harvested. The largest rapeseed oil producers are Canada, China, and European countries, including the UK, France, and Poland.

Is Rapeseed Wax better?

There are benefits to using rapeseed wax. It is a renewable resource and is biodegradable. Rapeseed wax is also vegan. There are some substitutes for rapeseed wax, but it is a unique product with its benefits. This is not to say that other waxes are better or worse; all candle waxes have their own benefits and drawbacks.

Are Rapeseed Wax candles safe?

Rapeseed wax candles are safe to use and non-toxic. There are no known health risks associated with using rapeseed wax candles.

Can Rapeseed Wax be used for wax melts?

Rapeseed Wax can be used for wax melts. It is a renewable resource and is biodegradable. Rapeseed wax is also vegan. There are some substitutes for rapeseed wax, but it is a unique product with its benefits.

How long does Rapeseed Wax take to set?

Rapeseed wax candles take 10 to 14 days to set and cure.

Is Rapeseed Wax a hard wax?

Rapeseed wax is a hard wax. It is not as pliable as some other waxes, but it can be melted and poured into moulds easily once heated to 126 to 130 degrees.

Is Rapeseed Wax a vegetable wax?

Rapeseed wax is a vegetable wax. It is made from the seeds of the rape plant.

Is Rapeseed and Coconut Wax good for candles?

Rapeseed wax and coconut wax are both good for candles. They are renewable resources and biodegradable. Rapeseed wax is also vegan. Coconut wax is also a good choice for candles. It has a lower melting point than rapeseed wax and is more pliable.

How to store Rapeseed Wax candles?

Rapeseed Wax candles should be stored in a cool, dark place.

How long do Rapeseed Wax candles last?

Rapeseed wax candles will last for approximately 20 to 30 hours.

What is the melting point of Rapeseed Wax?

Rapeseed wax has a melting point of approximately 126 to 130 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the pouring temperature of Rapeseed Wax?

The pour temperature of Rapeseed wax is between 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

How much fragrance oil should I use in my Rapeseed Wax candles?

Approximately ten drops of essential oil of fragrance oil per 2 cups of melted rapeseed wax. You will want to check the fragrance load of your specfic wax as this will vary depending on the wax you are using.

What is the scent throw of Rapeseed Wax candles?

The scent throw of Rapeseed Wax candles is moderate to substantial.

Do I need to use a wick holder with Rapeseed Wax candles?

It is recommended that you use a wick holder with Rapeseed Wax candles.

Can I color my Rapeseed Wax candles?

You can add color dye to your Rapeseed Wax candles.

Is Rapeseed Wax safe to use around pets and children?

Rapeseed Wax is safe to use around pets and children, ensure that when lit the candle is kept out of the reach of pets and children in a safe place where it can be left undistrurbed.

Do I need to cure my Rapeseed Wax candles?

It is recommended that you cure your Rapeseed Wax candles for 10 to 14 days.

What is the best container to use for Rapeseed Wax candles?

The best container for Rapeseed Wax candles is a glass or metal container when creating a container candle.

Final Thoughts

Rapeseed wax is an excellent choice for candles because it is clean burning and doesn’t produce soot. It also has a high melting point, so your candles will last longer. Rapeseed wax is made from the seeds of the rapeseed plant, which is native to Europe. The plant was brought to North America in the early 1800s and used for food, fuel, and industrial purposes. Rapeseed oil is the main ingredient in canola oil, so it is a readily available product.

Although rapeseed wax may be expensive compared to other waxes, it is a sustainable, biodegradable product that does not pollute the environment. It is also vegan and cruelty-free. Rapeseed wax is an excellent choice for those looking for a sustainable, eco-friendly option for candle making.

What are your thoughts on rapeseed wax? Have you used it before? Let us know in the comments below!

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